Monday, 30 September 2013

Ensure Environmental Sustainability : Where do we stand?


Where do we stand?

Global greenhouse gas emissions resume their upward path, confirming the need for bold action.

Forests are a safety net for the poor, but they continue to disappear at an alarming rate.

Global emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) have increased by more than 46 per cent since 1990.

Nearly one third of marine fish stocks have been overexploited.

Many species are at risk of extinction, despite an increase in protected areas.

More than 2.1 billion people and almost 1.9 billon people, respectively, have gained access to improved water sources and sanitation facilities since 1990.

An estimated 863 million people reside in slums in the developing world.

Source: The Millennium Development Goals Report 2013

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

How to view KMZ or KML File on Mobile Devices

Your mobile devices are indeed smart, yes i said smart!
Years ago i usually depend on my PC installed Google Earth software to view KMZ and KML files and that requires the stress of going to the office or home. Now you can view your KMZ or KML files anywhere.
Google Earth has consistently been improving on mobile devices and the improvements is making life easier for Geoinformatics professionals.

this is how it works..
Firstly, ensure that Google Earth app is installed in your mobile device.

1- Google drive or dropbox: save the kml or kmz file in dropbox or google drive, then open the application in you mobile device, choose the specific kml file and open with Google earth.

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